Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Song - Hunt - Exam - Days...

Treasure Hunt is right now decided on the 7th and 8th of June- During the holidays.

Meanwhile, the week has been a busy one, and still is, as the exams are going on. The Form 3s are at the edge of it, but since the First and Second Formers just begun, take this as a study lift.

However, there has been those charismatic boy scouts who stayed back for other stuff. So far, they have done a good job out of the following activities:

  • Solving real Treasure Hunt clues
  • Physical at exercise spot
  • The Green Wall
  • Runs around school
  • and getting the bikes..

That's all the update. The blog song has changed again  
(Empire State of Mind).

Till then,
PL of Eagle'10

Friday, May 21, 2010

It is still on..

Treasure Hunt - Postponed - Next week


  • No approval from GPK Koko
  • Not enough bikes

The GPK Koko would most probably approve in the future, but that is the hands of the school administration.
The second reason as stated above is the problem.
Put it this way - If Treasure Hunt was approved, and no bike - What's the point?

We need 12 bikes.
So far there has been three bikes gathered - and one of them was an old bicycle and the chain was all broken.

As I've said before, if it's broken it can be repaired. We'll repair it for you.
I took that bicycle down San Peng and got it mended and now it's good to ride.

FYI Form 2s, the shop is just down the San Peng road from the Shell Station.
So if you borrow us the bike, you get a free repair for it when you get it back.

Till then,
PL of Eagle'10

    Saturday, May 15, 2010


    No, it's not Commando Comp...

    Since Treasure hunt is next week, several boy scouts have decided to train up their physical needs last week.
    As I am posting this, that usually means I have a few graphic events I want to show:

    MOTOR! (One Man Invisible Chair)



    No Pain, No Gain..

    Smile even when it's not appropriate..

    Three Man Invisible Chairs

    Tak Gempak.

    Guess the Treasure Hunt pressure begins bit by bit...

    Till then,
    PL of Eagle'10

    Thursday, May 13, 2010

    FREE AGAIN! at least for a week...

    For the past week, agendas and troop meeting have been continuously done and with the boy scouts still fresh off Kem Perdana and Sports Day, it is surely tiring. So since this Saturday is Gotong-Royong, there will be no agenda, so use this time to take rest and regenerate your energy, because.....


    Till Then,
    PL of Eagle'10 

    Sunday, May 9, 2010

    i gotta sport day picz...

    Fantastic Colours of VI

    Thanks to the Facebook pages of Rct. Chooi and a certain Form 5 from VI, I have got hold of several pics of the day. Sadly, I have not found anyone who has focused the pics on our troop. Our pictures are in the form of the whole picture - ALL & EVERYONE

    The Troop between YKS and KRS

    It rained.....

    ....and this happened.

    Nevertheless, whatever the weather, wherever the land, however the spirit, the will for a hakka still triumphs!

    Although it hasn't been announced, it's safe to say Loke Yew is a definite Champ this year.

    Till then,
    PL of Eagle'10

    Saturday, May 8, 2010

    HURRAH! marching all the way! yeah!

    After just less than a week after Kem Perdana's over, the Sports Day marching was around the corner. And after 3 days of training, our efforts were repaid in the form of a hamper signifying our 3rd place victory.

    Hey, it's a win nevertheless.

    Just so it won't be forgotten, here's several of our sports day positions -
    2007 - 3rd
    2008 - 2nd
    2009 - 1st
    2010 - 3rd

    Well, that's about it. The Victory was celebrated with 3 buckets of your extra crispy & crunchy KFC, and not forgetting the hamper of course, which will be opened on the next troop meeting.

    As usual, I have not gotten any photos on my hands yet, but once I get it, u know where to find it (yes, for kem perdana too)

    I'm also giving here a early notice that on the 14 and 15 of May, Treasure Hunt will be held, so BE PREPARED.

    Till then,
    PL of Eagle'10

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    krip! krip! krip, knan, krip!!

    Based on the title itself, it is marching season once again as Sport's Day is literally just around the corner- Saturday. 
    The trainings have started and if you do your best and commit yourself to attend the training, the efforts would surely be paid on the day.


    Form 2s, you have been given the task to get the cordials and Imran (Hornbill) will be borrowing his tumbler. Make sure you get the drinks done by getting the water + sugar water + ice from the canteen.

    Till then,
    PL of Eagle'10