Thursday, February 25, 2010

apologies repeat...... FYI CELEBRATING 500 HITS!!!

The agenda which was to be Base Games (Completing Tasks), has been

 That would also mean there's no one to come on Saturday; so the Parents' Meeting is also

There's a problem with the permission from the GPK KoKu to have the agenda. Most probably of the Thailand visitors we're having this Saturday. Detailed reasons are not available.

Apologies to the parents who have found this very inconvenient. Plus this is the second time this has happened. To boy scouts, if your parents need an explanation, you may contact the PLs or Seniors.
Here's my number - 017 6822568

The next time the date has been decided, I assure you that we will verify it by ALL FACTORS. So the next time there is a Parents' Meeting, do not hesitate to attend it as it is still important for you to know and for us to tell on what's going to happen throughout  the year.

Put it this way, once there is parents' support, the chances of administration problems can be reduced.

So since you have been informed and this post is also up, don't mistakenly go to school on Saturday.

BTW, the blog has just reached it's 500 visits, so for the next few weeks, the song in the slide will be I Came To Play.

Till then,
PL Dev, Eagle'10